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59. GDPR procedural priority rule

GDPR procedural priority rule Article(s) involved (national, EU, or other): Problem A certain set of processing operations can trigger different laws (concurrence of laws). For instance, when cookies are concerned, the installation of the trackers activates Article...

58. Enforcement

Enforcement Article(s) involved (national, EU, or other): Problem Enforcement of final decisions against controllers: How precise does a decision have to be to be enforceable by the competent authorities? (How) can decisions by one SA be enforced in another member...

57. Oral hearings

Oral hearings Article(s) involved (national, EU, or other): Problem The use of oral hearings could often limit the need for hundreds of pages of submissions and ensure that procedures are focused on the core issues. Ideal Solution Law of SA hearing the parties/a party...

56. Collection of evidence

Collection of evidence Article(s) involved (national, EU, or other): Problem The collection of evidence (e.g. the duty to collect it, the rules on collecting files, witness statements and alike) should be regulated. Ideal Solution Law of SA collecting evidence applies...

55. Redacted final decisions

Redacted final decisions Article(s) involved (national, EU, or other): Problem The SAs have different approaches regarding the publication of their decisions. Some SAs redact the names of the controllers whereas some decide on a case-by case basis; Some identify...

54. Publication of the final decisions

Publication of the final decisions Article(s) involved (national, EU, or other): Problem The SAs have different approaches regarding the publication of their decisions. Some SAs publish as a general rule every outcome of a complaint (like the Belgian SA), including...